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> the "progressive" shutdown of the nukes was a rather questionable move.

Nuclear plants were shutdown by the conservatives. They decided this in 2011, when Fukushima happened, and executed it over the following decade while they were simultaneous derailing the switch to EV. A notable part here was that just months before Fukushima, they had already stopped the shutdown that previously was decided on.

Only the remaining three(?) plants were shutdown by the acting administration, because there was nothing to continue anyway. The previous administration had to renew the technical checks and order new nuclear rods for the plants to continue, which they obviously did not.

Overall, the whole act was a big clusterfuck of competing interests, but this wasn't the progressives fault, because they never had the power to fail this in the first place.

> In general, I think there's a relatively healthy balance, albeit, with a fair bit of animosity between the sides.

There is no healthy balance when you make up nonsensical lies to sabotage an ongoing process, which is even for the benefit of your own country.

This is simply not correct like this. The Green faction and the SPD had decided on the shutdown in 2002 when the "progressive" parties had the majority and conservatives where in the minorty. https://www.bundestag.de/webarchiv/textarchiv/2012/38640342_... More then 20 years ago the conservatives could already see that this would end in disaster and they resisted the change. Then fukushima happend and the media and public pressure was too big and the conservatives stopped resisting in 2011. The "progressive" shutdown was planned by the SPD and the Green faction and they pushed it through in 2002. The conservative did neither plan not decide the shutdown.

The conservatives stopped the shutdown in 2010, and reinstated it in 2011. And they continued with the plan the whole following decade when they were in power. True, the original plan was from the progressives, but the conservatives had the power and executed it. They, too, decided on this, and they had the power to change it for a whole decade, and did nothing.

And the BS about a "disaster" never happened. There were no blackouts, and even the prices went down. All the problems of the money driven fearmongers never manifested, yet they continue to spread lies about the greens doing harm and the all so great (money wasting) atomic plants...

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