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If starlink thinks it may have 40,000 satellites at full capacity[1] .. and we expect at least 1 if not 2 competitors..

With a 5-year lifespan for an LEO sat, that's potentially 120,000 deorbits every 5 years...

That will add up quickly... I don't know the science of aluminum oxide increase to ozone depletion.. but this can certainly warrants more research and consideration

1: https://starwalk.space/en/news/spacex-starlink-satellites-ni...

The satellites are typically much smaller than historic satellites. I think ~50-60 are launched in a fairing that would house 1 or two older-style satellite.

Does the mass make a difference?

Starlink satellites have gotten big. The V2 Mini they are launching now is 1600 lb, and they fit only 20 some on Falcon 9. The V2 for Starship will be 2700 lbs.

All of those starlinks are designed to burn up though. And there will be many thousands more of them then there ever was of those older larger satellites.

Why would the number of satellites be pertinent here? It’s a mass problem, and starlink satellites are tiny compared to most of the satellites that are up there.

Many little number make big number. Mhmmm.

And SpaceX boasts to have launched more mass than the rest of the world combined...

Im guessing it would make sense to release more pro ozone catalyst. It may even be an option to release more it from the ground, as an inverse to CFCs.

NOx is also has a global cooling effect, taking the edge off climate change.

NOx and VOCs from power plants and diesel vehicles produce ozone.

Can't they spray some ozone as they deorbit?

No, but I imagine they could include some other solid mass that has a counter effect.


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