Very interesting study. I guess putting things in orbit is absolutely going to cost us but I hope we will have this under control before it gets out of hand.
Unfortunately, just like green house gases, it requires the very people who benefit from ignoring these kind of problems to pay attention and well...
The Montreal Protocol was nothing short of miraculous. It was the first international treaty to be ratified by all 198 members of the UN (including the Holy See), and it's been called "perhaps the single most successful international agreement to date" by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. It's one of history's greatest achievements of environmental policy and international cooperation.
The impact of CFC's on the ozone layer was first proposed in a scientific paper in 1973; the authors testified before the US House of Representatives in 1974 and significant funding was provided to study the problem. The Montreal Protocol was then signed in 1987 despite industry protests that the research was uncertain and there was no crisis that demanded urgent action. This was only 14 years (!) after the effect was first hypothesized. The discoverers of the effect won the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1995.
I don't expect to see anything even remotely as successful as the Montreal Protocol in my lifetime.
You might as well say people now think { vaccines are clot shots | earth is flat | 9/11 was an inside job } and use that as justification to do nothing about AGW.
The Montreal protocol worked because it was focused on a limit set of changes. Something similar could also work again if metal satellites and uncontrolled hypersonic reentry spaceship metal parts were outlawed as well.
Unfortunately, the lack of a gradual set of limited changes is why the same process cannot be replicated for climate change remediation. Countries are trying to tackle the entire problem as an "impossible" monolith rather than breaking it up into separate industry and lifestyle practices to address incrementally.
Unfortunately, just like green house gases, it requires the very people who benefit from ignoring these kind of problems to pay attention and well...