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My primary motivation as an employee of a startup is fear of personal financial ruin. That the company won't be able to make payroll and I won't be able to pay my rent, that I'll be evicted eventually or that if the company goes under I won't be able to find a new job. There is no mission or any other soft carrot that I care about. I also don't have any faith in stock options.

I can't imagine caring about reputational damage with rich people unless that reputation is in service of not starving in the streets.

Perhaps you shouldn’t be working in a startup because your lifestyle is unaffordable, or your company is paying you peanuts.

I have worked in startups in Silicon Valley and have had many friends working for them. Most startups pay a base salary of around 200k$ I reckon (for new grads, perhaps 150k). This might come down to 9-10k after taxes per month. A good 2 bedroom house to rent in a location like San Jose would be 3k$ per month, which leaves you 6k for other expenses. Assuming 1k for car, you should still have 5k in savings per month, in a year of working you will have saved up 20 months of rent, maybe 12 months of living without a job. I find it hard to believe anyone in SV startups, is in risk of “personal financial ruin”, or “starving in the streets” just because they lost a few months of paychecks while searching for another job. That may be true in another country, in another market, but all tech workers in the Bay Area are living well above subsistence and acting like they are living paycheck to paycheck is a fantasy. There is a cost to working in startups, and it is an opportunity cost of not working in a big tech company and cashing out your 200k+ RSU over 4 years and instead receiving paper money stock options that can be worth 0.

I don't live in California, the startup I work for is remote. I don't fear financial ruin because I don't have money, I fear it because I catastrophize everything. There's no evidence to suggest I would be homeless if I lost my job, but that's just where my brain goes.

But I'd like to point out that in your math, you calculated the cost of a car and a rent, but no other living expenses. Also in what universe does a car cost $1000/month??

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