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Usually it is a proportion. 100k for 10% of the company is a 1M valuation

Yes but that does not explain why better text prediction is worth $6B to these people

> that does not explain why better text prediction is worth $6B to these people

Same reason Cohere has a weirdly-high valuation relative to revenue: it's a national champion.

Any source for the 10% number?


edit: If you're that curious just call Hemant up and ask him yourself?

This does not mention Mistral at all. Are all replies to me in this thread from LLM agents?

That sounds like an example to demonstrate the concept

Oh, well that didn’t answer my original question at all then.

Any source for that is an example?

If someone pays 100k for 10%, the valuation is 100k * 10 = 1M. There’s not really a source for that, that’s just how market valuations work

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