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Don't forget "HBO" -> Max. Or something. Is it the whole HBO brand or the app? No idea. It's even more confusing because there used to be some other "premium cable channel" with "max" in the name. Sin A Max?

Whatever, I guess I'm just old. First they came for my Magnavox, then my motorola, now my eggs and my HBO.

At least I still have X11.

I think they merged, or cinemax was acquired more likely. The brand change was likely related and could be considered failed on the basis that people still haven't realized it.

In terms of brand equity, HBO was and still is (if it still existed) synonymous for "quality content". I still have warm fuzzies for their well crafted brand noises and other signals (the static, the duha da da, da da, da dadada, da da da, the big chrome HBO flying around, etc)....

I guess as close as it gets these days is apple tv and ragin horn dog lee pace and the alternate space race shows.

Max. That's the name of a dog, or mel gibson, or a condom size.

Anyhow, ditching twitter for eggs and then slapping eggs all over everything else is just .... lazy. Not quite as dumb as swapping "HBO" for "Mags" but pretty close.

HBO Go and HBO Max came from two different departments and were different things was the problem. Go was for people who had a cable subscription, and Max was for people to have a digital only subscription, and we're duplicate implementations. The consumer confusing was (entirely predictably) too great, so they finally got their act together and merged them, though not before wasting a ton of money.

The rebrand of HBO Max to just "Max" was a result of the merger between Warner and Discovery.

The rebrand was not related to Cinemax. HBO (or their parent company) has always owned Cinemax for its entire existence, but Cinemax content is not available on the Max streaming service.

So Chewbacca is a Wookie, and he lives on Endor with the Ewoks? Even though he's much bigger and they Ewoks are cannibals?

(Non-requiter aside -- I get that there are explanations as to how "HBO" became "Max", and I was vaguely aware that Max and Cinemax weren't the same thing, but it's still an example of "watch me juggle burning tires while gargling gasoline and standing on a mound of bunker fuel" curation of a brand. Unless they're getting big tax write offs for brand destruction, Warner and Discovery would have been smart to rebrand one of the other or both "HBO")

er, ok? I was just stating that jfyi's comments regarding cinemax were factually incorrect.

I actually completely agree that it was a terrible rebrand.

I stand corrected. Admittedly, it was just a feel from somewhere they were related that I had picked up in the last few years.

I have like two derelict hbo apps on my xbox at this point. Why? What was wrong with hbo go? Did market research really say max was a better word with, I’m guessing, a cohort of probably a dozen people from Burbank?

...but your X-10 stuff will need to be replaced.

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