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Just because it's 'battle tested' and has stars and is useful does not preclude it from being a hacky pos. Reading logs using regexps and then twiddling IP tables is not the cleanest method of achieving this result. I would much prefer if this functionality were either handled like ssh or if there was some kind of standardized messaging (dbus?) that was more purposeful and didn't rely on regex.

It's useful because you can hook it up to anything that produces logs, it's hacky because that means you are using regexp. If the log format changes, you're likely fucked, not to mention that regexps are notoriously hard to make 'air tight' and often screwed up by newbies. Add to that in a case where your regexes start missing fail2ban will stop doing it's job silently.. not great my friend.

It's been a useful hack for a very long time, but I'd like to see us move on from it.

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