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The gif frames are "left, off, right, right". I.e. there are only two flashes, but the second lasts twice as long. I assume somebody either didn't understand how gifs work, or they accidentally dropped frames in export.

Note that there is also a version of this that has two flashes and the illusion is a third flash. The gif, as described, is intended to be the version where there are three real flashes.

Thanks for working out the cause of the bug, I thought I was going mad.

You mentioned another version of the gif. Is this one we can find somewhere?

I don't know if there's a gif specifically, but here's a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCpsQ8LZOco


I immediately "didn't get it" because I only saw two flashes.

Wow I have such a big brain - I only perceive reality.

That's a different one, that's one with auditory beeps and only two flashes. It's not the same as the illusion in the paper.

Some commenters conflated the two, which is why I acknowledged it as a different "version".

This has been driving me mad. I thought I was broken.

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