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> And still we keep all those webservices, be they in Java, Go, node, C# or Python, behind dedicated webservers like nginx or apache.

Not really no. They might sit behind a load balancer but that's to support a different feature entirely. Some services might still be invoked via nginx or apache (though the latter has fallen out of fashion in recent years) if nginx has a better threading model. But even there, that's the exception rather than the norm. Quite often those services will be stand alone and any reverse proxying is just to support orchestration (eg K8s) or load balancing.

> Single-Point-Of-Entry is still prefered over having to deal with a bag of cats of different services each having their own ideas about how security should be managed.

Actually no. What you're describing is the castle-and-Moat architecture and that's the old way of managing internal services. These days it's all about zero-trust.


But again, we're talking enterprise level hardening there and I suspect this openssh change is more aimed at hobbyists running things like Linux VPS

> > A point you keep ignoring.

> Not really. Of course an admin should deactivate svc-individual security in such a scenario, and I never stated otherwise. The point is: That's one more thing that can go wrong.

The fact that you keep saying that _is_ missing the point. This is one more thing that can harden the default security of openssh.

In security, it's not about all or nothing. It's a percentages game. You choose a security posture based on your the level of risk you're willing to accept. For enterprise, that will be using an IDP to manage auth (including but not specific to SSH). A good IDP can be configured to accept requests from non-blacklisted IP, eg IPs from countries where employees are known not to work in), and even only accept logins from managed devices like corporate laptops. But someone running a VPS for their own Minecraft server, or something less wholesome like Bit-Torrent, aren't usually the type to invest in a plethora of security tools. They might not even have heard of fail2ban, denyhosts, and so on. So having openssh support auto-blacklisting on those servers is a good thing. Not just for the VPS owners but us too because it reduces the number of spam and bot servers.

If your only concern is that professional / enterprise users might forget to disable it, as seems to be your argument here, then it's an extremely weak argument to make given you get paid to know this stuff and hobbyists don't.

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