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"Then I checked out the Green Party, but they were against it too. Then I checked out the Social Democrats, and they didn't speak out about open source. Then I check the other parties, and did not vote."

You can't expect to agree on all issues with a party. Weigh their programs (and voting history; I cannot stress enough how a party's history is a much better indication than their program) according to your views, and pick the top one. Otherwise your vote is lost to some party you probably share even less with.

> Then I checked out the Social Democrats, and they didn't speak out about open source.

"Not speaking out" is not against. But being anti-nuclear is clearly a stand against.

Any party can't have binary decisions on everything, and that's fine, this means business as usual on an issue by issue basis. But where they _do_ have a binary stand, it matters.

I do agree with the parent comment though, in today's day and age needing huge coal free electrification targets in short timeframes to save the planet, being explicitly anti-nuclear power is a clear red flag, and doubly makes no sense for a digital technological party to have this stand.

> and doubly makes no sense for a digital technological party to have this stand

I sometimes wonder if these politics taking over fringe parties are deliberate attempts to destroy them. Because yeah it doesn't make sense that they would make that part of their program.

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