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The main problem with the Pirate Party is that they're a one-issue party: even if you agree with what Breyer is fighting for in the EU parliament (I certainly do), it's hard to vote for them when the real world unfortunately has more going on than just digital rights and other parties offer more complete goals on that end.

The world is too much on fire right now to have the luxury of voting for a one-issue party.

They're not single issue any more. But that has two issues:

1. people still think they are single issue

2. because they are not single issue, the people who find out they aren't anymore will be dismayed at something in their program that is stupid and rule them out

Basically the worst of both worlds.

> people still think they are single issue

Changing the name of the party would help a great deal IMO

That's even worse, then you have to start over with name recognition/PR. That is almost certain death.

The main problem with the Pirate Party is that they're perceived by many as a one-issue party.

Here is their actual common EU election program, which includes much more than "just digital rights": https://european-pirateparty.eu/programme/

Or maybe their problem is that they no longer are a single issue party and many of their original supporters just object to the other goals they have added to their program.

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