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The post claims that "the Pirate Party has lost its representation in the legislative body".

However, I understand from a couple of posts that Markétka Gregorován(https://gregorova.eu/ / https://x.com/MarketkaG) has been reelected.

Marcel Kolaja, OTOH, hasn't. Here's a translation of his latest tweets:

> I find the election result hugely disappointing. As the leader of the candidate, I take responsibility for it.

> In the campaign, we failed to sell our work and explain the solutions we offer. I see it as a failure for us and other pro-European parties that the far right has grown so much in the Czech Republic.

> Secondly, I am also quitting as an MEP. It has been an honour to represent you in the European Parliament for five years. My sincere congratulations to @MarketkaG on winning her mandate and my fingers are crossed.

> She needs to work three times harder now in promoting pirate values. But I believe she can do it.

From this tweet, and from https://eurovolby.pirati.cz/ (and a fair amount of automated translation), I understand that Marcel was the leader but he is leaving his seat to Marketa, and that she is the last representative of the PP in the EP, right?

Marcel did great work for open source in the EP over the last 2 legislatures. Many thanks to him.

It's a shame Kolaja wasn't re-elected, and it's not looking rosy for privacy and FLOSS in the EU.

I'm disappointed the Czech Pirates didn't touch on these subjects at all in their campaign. The advertising I saw was basically just saying "we exist", and digital privacy was hidden in a broad and generic programme statement. All I could say to support Pirates when talking with friends and family was "I trust them for no particular reason, and Kolaja does good work in the areas I focus on". Not the most persuasive recommendation.

I know it's hard to create an honest-but-captivating campaign for elections to what's really an "upper chamber", without the ability to propose its own legislation. But when you have a clear bogeyman like "Chat Control" or software legislation, you use it, damn it!

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