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To clarify, I don't close my ears to everything going on in the outside world. I just don't get my information from news websites or tv stations etc.

I still like to talk to people about what is going on. I find that less stressful, maybe because when talking with friends, family, colleagues, we don't tend to use such alarmist language (at least the people I talk to don't).

As for point b), I can imagine this might not be true, as long as it really was the case that no-one was informed. Hard to plan and orchestrate bad things without information!

> As for point b), I can imagine this might not be true, as long as it really was the case that no-one was informed. Hard to plan and orchestrate bad things without information!

Sorry, yes. My assumption was that the bad guys will still stay informed, just like the bad guys don't put down their guns because I would prefer us all to be pacifists.

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