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> This new SSH feature isn’t intended to solve enterprise-level problems.

But service level security features have the potential to cause enterprise-level problems.

Sure, in an ideal world, all admins would always make zero mistakes. And so would the admins of all of our clients, and their interns, and their automated deployment scripts. Also in that perfect world, service level security features would never be on by default, have the same default configuration across all distros, and be easy to configure.

But, alas, we don't live in a perfect world. And so I have seen more than one service-level security feature, implemented with the best of intentions, causing a production system to grind to a halt.

> But service level security features have the potential to cause enterprise-level problems.

Only if you don’t know what you’re doing. Which you should given you’re paid to work on enterprise systems.

Whereas not having this causes problems for users are not paid to learn this technology.

So it seems completely reasonable to tailor some features to lesser experienced owners given the wide spectrum of users that run openssh.

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