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> I fail to see what "risky surface areas" in the kernel you're avoiding. You have more packets going through the kernel network stack(since you're wrapping a TCP connecting in a UDP connection that goes through the kernel) than just using the TCP stack in the kernel. Are you saying that the TCP stack in the kernel cannot be trusted, but a userspace kernel you maintain can(that's a bit ridiculous...)

There's a constant stream of bugs in kernel network and IO interfaces, many of which require direct local interaction for exploitation, and aren't remotely attackable. Don't assume, spend a few hours and have a read through some.

> Any POSIX C code that listens on non-privileged ports will run on machines with the correct glibc version(and you can statically compile the glibc or not need it like go does). This includes linux and macOS(and if you're using a library that's on multiple OSes you get even more support without having to implement TCP in userspace).

That doesn't get anywhere near the use case here which is: run third party user supplied code unmodified.

> I don't think you understand. You're still at the mercy of the kernel for security patches to the UDP stack, you're just now also having to maintain a TCP stack in parallel.

The surface is not "UDP" and "TCP", this view is a huge distortion. As I suggested above, have a read through some of the relevant bugs over the last two years, and consider their implications in the relevant use case: running unmodified third party user code on a system.

> Wouldn't an alternative approach just be to use cross-platform libraries and non-privileged ports?

No, again, that doesn't meet the use case: run unmodified third party user code on the system.

> You just said the opposite... how can more things requiring security fixes be a bad thing, while you arbitrarily want more layers between you and the most security tested code for networking available to you.

Your characterization of Linux further suggests the exercise above would be a great experience.

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