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> I have seen experienced sysadmins create the test user with the password of "test" on a live server on port 22 because they were having an "autopilot moment". It got hacked within 20 minutes of going online and these mechanisms wouldn't have saved it, the attacker got in on the second or third try.

Is it possible to create some kind of reverse proxy for SSH which blocks password-based authentication, and furthermore only allows authentication by a known list of public keys?

The idea would be SSH to the reverse proxy, if you authenticate with an authorised public key (or certificate or whatever) it forwards your connection to the backend SSH server; all attempts to authenticate with a password are automatically rejected and never reach the backend.

In some ways what I'm describing here is a "bastion" or "jumphost", but in implementations of that idea I've seen, you SSH to the bastion/jumphost, get a shell, and then SSH again to the backend SSH – whereas I am talking about a proxy which automatically connects to the backend SSH using the same credentials once you have authenticated to it.

Furthermore, using a generic Linux box as a bastion/jumphost, you run the same risk that someone might create a weak password account–you can disable password authentication in the sshd config but what if someone turns it on? With this "intercepting proxy" idea, the proxy wouldn't even have any code to support password authentication, so you couldn't ever turn it on.

Passwords are not the issue you think they are. Someone compromising a strong password with something like fail2ban isn't more likely than someone finding a 0day that can exploit an sshd setup to only accept keys.

> what if someone turns [password authentication back] on

sshd_config requires root to modify, so you've got bigger problems than weak passwords at this point.

It is a lot more likely for some random admin to inappropriately change a single boolean config setting as root, than for them to replace an entire software package which (by design) doesn't have code for a certain feature with one that does.

Check out the ProxyJump and ProxyCommand option in ssh config. They let you skip the intermediate shell.

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