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Helping isn't measured by numbers of killed Nazis. It was about massive material support of the USSR so it was able to fight the aggressor and kill so many Nazis. The West enabled that.

Here, from the bigshots from USSR:

"Khrushchev went further and admitted: “Several times I heard Stalin acknowledge [Lend-Lease] within the small circle of people around him. He said that . . . if we had had to deal with Germany one-to-one we would not have been able to cope because we lost so much of our country.”"

"Perhaps the last word should be left to Marshal Georgy Zhukov, who masterminded the Red Army victories. He admitted, in a bugged conversation in 1963, that without Lend-Lease the USSR “could not have continued the war”."


>Helping isn't measured by numbers of killed Nazis.

But the contribution to the victory over Nazis is. Tell me, why hadn't France won the war in 1940? [0] It fought for 45 days only.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_France

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