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You might want to check out my project OpenPubkey[0] with uses OIDC ID Tokens inside SSH certs. For instance this let's you SSH with your gmail account. The ID token in SSH certificate expires after a few hours which makes the SSH certificate expire. You can also do something similar with SSH3 [1].

[0] OpenPubkey - https://github.com/openpubkey/openpubkey/

[1] SSH3 - https://github.com/francoismichel/ssh3

Why not just make the certificate short-lived instead of having a certificate with shorter-lived claims inside?

You can definitely do that, but it has the downside that the certificate automatically expires when you hit that the set time and then you have to reauth again. With OpenPubkey you can be much more flexible. The certificate expires at a set time, but you can use your OIDC refresh token to extend certificate expiration.

With a fixed expiration, if you choose a 2 hour expiry, the user has to reauth every 2 hours each time they start a new SSH session.

With a refreshable expiration, if you choose a 2 hour expiry, the user can refresh the certificate if they are still logged in.

This lets you set shorter expiry times because the refresh token can be used in the background.

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