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Wait, how often do you connect to a ssh remote that isn't controlled by you or say, your workplace? Genuinely asking, I have not seen a use case for something like that in recent years so I'm curious!

GitHub is an example of a service that would want to disable this option. They get lots of legit ssh connections from all over the world including people who may be behind large NATs.

I somehow didn't think about that, even if I used that feature just a few hours ago! Now I'm curious about how GitHub handles the ssh infra at that scale...

GitHub, as I've read[1], uses a different implementation of SSH which is tailored for their use case.

The benefits is that it is probably much lighter weight than OpenSSH (which supports a lot of different things just because it is so general[2]) and can more easily integrate with their services, while also providing the benefit of not having to spin up a shell and deal with the potential security risks that contains.

And even if somehow a major flaw is found in OpenSSH, GitHub (at least their public servers) wouldn't be affected in this case since there's no shell to escape to.

[1]: I read it on HN somewhere that I don't remember now, however you can kinda confirm this yourself if you open up a raw TCP connection to github.com, where the connection string says


According to an HN user[2], they were using libssh in 2015.

[2]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39978089

[3]: This isn't a value judgement on OpenSSH, I think it is downright amazing. However, GitHub has a much more narrow and specific use case, especially for an intentionally public SSH server.

Even the amount of SSH authorized_keys they would need to process is a little mind boggling, they probably have some super custom stuff.

Perhaps at a university where all students in the same class need to SSH to the same place, possibly from the same set of lab machines. A poorly configured sshd could allow some students to DoS other students.

This might be similar to the workplace scenario that you have in mind, but some students are more bold in trying dodgy things with their class accounts, because they know they probably won't get in big trouble at an university.

One of my clients has a setup for their clients - some of which connect from arbitrary locations, and others of which need to be able to scripted automated uploads - to connect via sftp to upload files.

Nobody is ever getting in, because they require ed25519 keys, but it is pounded nonstop all day long with brute force attempts. It wastes log space and IDS resources.

This is a case that could benefit from something like the new OpenSSH feature (which seems less hinky than fail2ban).

Another common case would be university students, so long as it's not applied to campus and local ISP IPs.

I sometimes use this: https://pico.sh/

Git over SSH

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