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Possible Azure RCE (zerodayinitiative.com)
44 points by sambazi 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments


>2023-10-03 - Vulnerability reported to vendor

>2024-06-06 - Coordinated public release of advisory

I'm curious what communication happened in that time. I'm not inclined to give Microsoft the benefit of the doubt but "vulnerability reported" doesn't necessarily mean "we sent full details in a clearly documented way to the right place where it would get in front of a human".

For something given a cvss of 10, that is a ridiculous amount of time.. although hopefully they fixed it within a reasonable amount of time and just took forever to disclose it

I don't necessarily disagree with the rating of 10 here (I know anything about the actual impact of this vulnerability), but please note that CVSS really isn't a perfect system, and it is quite easy to reach ridiculously high CVSS scores with even minor vulnerabilities, if you are 'maybe a bit too literal' in its interpretation.

The official CVSS3.1 example score for a stored XSS is 9.0.

RCE = Remote Code Execution

Seems like yet another serious example of MS being abysmally bad with their security.

Anyone know how many cases this makes in the last 12 months?

Seems like about the 4th yeah?

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