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> Vibrant? It's made of white concrete.

"vibrant" could apply to the activity, not the physical structure. There's 4 other people in the back of the photo - if you assumed it was a tiny slice of the park, you could say it was vibrant.

(to me it doesn't look particularly vibrant re: activity but this is just one small corner and I will allow the ML some leeway in its floridity.)

The paragraph said it is the heart of the park, not a "tiny slice."

If you're going to praise the paragraph, at least choose a word that's defensible. Like ok, it got "the" right.

Surprising that you would defend that particular word. Far from being vibrant, the place looks dead, frankly. You can see it in the bored faces of the three people staring off in random directions with disinterested stances. Even the guy who's walking looks like he's just shuffling along.

"I can see how, if you look at it in just the right light, you might think there is a little blue in there."

Nah. Not good enough.

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