I realise this is a dangerous subject, but I am genuinly curious: given the business you run and the work you do for the Freebsd team, why would you object to using c++, but not c?
I could understand why you would object to both, but why only the lower level language.
Personally, I can't keep all of how C++ works in my brain at once. Most people end up limiting themselves to a "sane subset" of C++ to compensate for spec sprawl. But, everybody picks a different subset, so you can quickly stumble on things you think you know but don't work quite right when working on non-self-originated code.
I think Tavis put it best: C is easier to audit because it's transparent. With C++ you can have innocuous-looking source code and have the compiler doing all sorts of crazy things behind your back.
I could understand why you would object to both, but why only the lower level language.