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You get that these are just people shipping a program that random people are going to run on random computers, right? If your go-to-market involves "reversing longstanding Unix network policy rules", you have problems.

Respectfully, if at this point the situation hasn't been made clear to you, I don't think there's much more to productively discuss.

Amusingly, I would do an appeal to a word you already used. :D I was treating this as a bit of a moot debate. Discussing it as much for interests in the general discussion.

My impression from something said elsewhere was that this was largely for internal tools. I'm not sure why I got that impression, though.

I think it is fair, btw, that I would be pushing for both paths, at this point? If a long standing network policy rule has become obsolete from advance, it is worth considering dropping it? Is that not something people are looking at?

(I will also note that I will not be at all offended if you drop out from lack of interest here. Apologies if you feel I was wasting your time!)

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