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When they're talking about classified defense networks, the actual restrictions they mean is least privilege and separation of duties. Devs are not admins. They don't get root privilege on their machines. They can't create virtual network interfaces and they also can't change kernel settings. But if you put a full TCP/IP stack in userspace, well, they can run that and do whatever they want with it.

To answer the upstream question about why arbitary outbound connections are allowed, they're not. This is connecting to a cloud development environment, and I would have to assume this service can be self-hosted, because on a classified network, the "cloud" isn't the cloud as Hacker News readers know it. Amazon et all run private data centers on US military installations that only the military and the IC can access and they're airgapped from the Internet. If you're on a workstation that can access this environment, that's all it can access. The only place you can exfiltrate data to is other military-controlled servers.

If you're talking about developer machines, isn't the best(and easiest) solution to just run a VM that you administer so you can create virtual networks?

If you're talking about production machines, a userspace application wouldn't be able to sniff privileged ports without elevated permissions, so I fail to see how this application would let you get around that limitation.

No, because VMs are expensive and require some base level of system administration to operate, booting them usually requires privilege, and if the only problem you're trying to solve is reliably running (e.g.) Postgres and Redis protocol between your CLI and a server somewhere, it's extreme overkill.

VMs are free and can be run by any semi-competent developer wanting to host a test server on their development machine.

Postgres and Redis can use non-privileged ports, so I don't understand why this would matter.

"Just use a VM" instead of running a Unix command that drives a UDP socket is... a take.

imo a bit milder of a take than "just maintain a second TCP stack instead of hosting on a non-privileged port".

Also are we just ignoring that you pretended VMs were expensive to run? Most of your responses sound devoid of a lot of fundamental computer knowledge(networking and otherwise).

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