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> And the new CEO (David Limp) used to be in charge of Kindles.

Seems to imply there is an issue with a CEO of a space company previously working on Kindles.

> Bezos had the former Honeywell CEO in charge of Blue Origin, which to me was such an odd choice

Also seems to imply the CEO is bad because their previously only worked at Honeywell on thermostats.

In my mind none of the above has anything to do with how good or bad a CEO is. Perhaps I am misreading it. In which case ignore me.

Honeywell is also an aerospace company:


All things being equal, you'd want a CEO who understands the business, either by coming up through the ranks or a long career at another company in the same business.

Which is basically Gwynne Shotwell, if I read her bio correctly.

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