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Personally, I want to live long enough to hit life extension escape velocity. :)

Yeah we bemoan how short-sighted people are, but that's because we only live for a handful of decades. Think of the kind of progress that we could achieve if people were free to follow their dreams for centuries, alongside the kind of respect for the life and nature that would be necessary to live as a citizen of the world for that long.

Or, immortal Joseph Stalin having breakfast with immortal Richard Nixon, while deciding who gets sent to the gulags today.

True, today time is the greatest equalizer. Even the rich and powerful will eventually kick the bucket and leave the future for others. If life extension takes off, the rich and powerful may live forever, while the less fortunate may still be mortal.

> Richard Nixon

That's a rather weird person to pick, even considering that it's probably a Futurama reference...

Nixon - now more than ever.

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