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Are you referring to gVisor the container runtime, or gVisor/netstack, the TCP/IP stack? I see more uptick in netstack. I don't see proliferation of gVisor itself. "Security" is much more salient to gVisor than it is to netstack.

In the issue of abysmal performance on cloud-compute/PaaS Im talking about the container runtime (most Paas is gVisor or Firecracker, no?) cloudrun, DO, modal, etc.

But given this article is about improving gvisors userland tcp performance significantly, it seems like the netstack stuff causes major performance losses too.

I saw a github link in another top article today https://github.com/misprit7/computerraria where the Readme's Pitch section feels very relevant to gvisor.

I don’t believe many PAAS run gVisor; a surprising number just run multitenant docker.

The netstack stuff here has nothing to do with the rest of gVisor.

> The netstack stuff here has nothing to do with the rest of gVisor.

How so? Besides being part of it, it is at least similar in the group of "bloated slow userland implementation of things the kernel handles well"

A TCP/IP stack is not an "implementation of syscalls". The things most netstack users do with netstack have nothing to do with wanting to move the kernel into userland and everything to do with the fact that the kernel features they want to access are either privileged or (in a lot of IP routing cases) not available at all. Netstack (like any user-mode IP stack) allows programs to do things they couldn't otherwise do at all.

The gVisor/perf thing is a tendentious argument. You can have whatever opinion you like about whether running a platform under gVisor supervision is a good idea. But the post we're commenting on is obviously not about gVisor; it's about a library inside of gVisor that is probably a lot more popular than gVisor itself.

> The gVisor/perf thing is a tendentious argument

Interesting to dismiss it as such. The gvisor netstack is a (big) part of gvisor and this article is discussing how the performance of that component was, and could well still be, garbage.

These tools bring marginal capability and performance gains, shoved down peoples throat by manufacturing security paranoia. Oh an it all happens to cost you like 10x time, but look at the shiny capabilities, trust me it couldn't be done before! A netsec and infra peddlers wet dream.

> The gvisor netstack ... this article is discussing how the performance of that component was ... garbage.

The article and a related GitHub discussion (linked from TFA) points out that the default congestion algorithm (reno) wasn't good for long-distance (over Internet) workloads. The gvisor team never noticed it because they test/tune for in-datacenter usecases.

> These tools bring marginal capability and performance gains

I get your point (ex: app sandbox in Android ruins battery & perf, website sandbox on chrome wastes memory, etc). While 0-days continue to sell for millions, opsec are right to be skeptical about a very critical component (kernel) that runs on 50%+ of all servers & personal devices.

Linux kernel LPEs do not routinely sell for millions. There's a market value on a specific subset of vulnerabilities that root flagship Google phones.

None of this has anything to do with security paranoia.

In the context of coder, the userspace TCP overhead should be negligible. Based on https://gvisor.dev/docs/architecture_guide/performance/ and assuming runc is mostly just using the regular kernel networking stack (I think it does, since it mostly just does syscall filtering?) it should be at most a 30% direct TCP performance hit. But in a real application you typically only spend a negligible amount of total time in the TCP stack - the client code, total e2e latency, and server code corresponding to a particular packet will take much more time.

You'll note their node/ruby benchmarks showed a substantially bigger performance hit. That's because the other gvisor sandboxing functionality (general syscall + file I/O) has more of an impact on performance, but also because these are network-processing bound applications (rare) that were still reaching high QPS in absolute terms for their perspective runtimes (do you know many real-world node apps doing 350qps-800qps per instance?).

Because coder is not likely to be bottlenecked by CPU availability for networking, the resource overhead should be inconsequential, and what's really important is the impact on user latency. But that's something likely on the order of 1ms for a roundtrip that is already spending probably 30-50ms at best in transit between client and server (given that coder's server would be running in a datacenter with clients at home or the office), plus the actual application logic overhead which is at best 10ms. And that's very similar to a lot of gvisor netstack use cases which is why it's not as big of a deal as you think it is.

TLDR: For the stuff you'd actually care about (roundtrip latency) in the coder usecase the perf hit of using gvisor netstack should be like 2% at most, and most likely much less. Either way it's small enough to be imperceivable to the actual human using the client.

TCP overhead is part of the story. Theres 20-40x overhead in syscalls, 20% running a tensorflow project end to end, 50% fewer RPS in redis, etc.

We are still talking about people using runsc/runc. That's not what `coder` is doing. All they did was poach a (popular) networking library from the gVisor codebase. None of this benchmarking has anything to do with their product.

I've already accepted this whole thread is a digression, but I keep getting pulled in. Calling out my dislike for Gvisor on a thread lauding a 5x tcp performance they found in it felt on topic to me at the time.

Ok. I'm only triggered by two things:

1. An argument that a tool using netstack is in any way tainted with gVisor's runtime costs.

2. An argument that shared-kernel multitenant is tenable and thus gVisor addresses no meaningful security concerns.

Not gonna lie am also getting 200% triggered whenever he states gVisor Syscall costs lol

Are they even using runc/runsc?

At coder, no since "gVisor is a container runtime that reimplements the entire Linux ABI (syscalls) in Go, but we only need the networking for our purposes"

but gvisor was using full runsc for the networking benchmarks I linked, and IIUC runc's networking should be sufficiently similar to unsandboxed networking that I believe runsc<->runc network performance difference should approximate gvisor netstack<->vanilla kernel networking.

Google is my former employer and this statement isn't referring to stuff I heard while employed there.

But after I left, I heard a that alot of the poor performance of Cloud Run is just plain old oversubscribed shared core e2 stuff.

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