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If you read about agile, standups are supposed to be conducted among the dev team members who are working together on something, and primarily for their benefit, not as a status update to or for someone else. The PM or whoever is considered the "product owner" in scrum could listen in and help unblock issues, or report delays to other people, but not demand more information or change things up that have already been planned. Of course, it actually working this way is rare, although I have seen it.

I haven't really seen this, but a poorly performing product manager or product owner completely breaks the scrum or agile model (to the extent it works at all). They are assumed to basically know the domain and know what needs to be built at a high level, and the software requirements originate from them in the scrum model. If they don't know what the requirements should be or how to communicate them or how to collaborate with the engineers on the requirements, it is completely garbage-in-garbage-out. On the other hand, working with a product owner who is a domain expert and happy to help define software to solve their needs can be a joy.

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