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That's not how things work. Shares can be freely traded on any of these exchanges at any time.

its where you list that we are discussing here.

Listing on an exchange is all about what reporting requirements you are required to make inorder to be a publicly listed company and what share requirement you are required to maintain to list.


- share price above a certain threshold,

- report your financials quarterly, etc.

- often a minimum trading volume

- certain requirements about the viability of the company, ie not bankrupt, etc.

Foreign companies will often dual list in the US to get access to US liquidity as well as list on their own home exchanges.

But once you are listed in the US there is no benefit to list on multiple exchanges as all you do is make your reporting requirements go up. Your shares can be traded on any US exchange once you are listed on any of htem.

What if a company wants a new class of stock - would they always list on the same exchange? I'm not sure what the rules are around this, but I know it is sometimes done.

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