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> Using a programming language that you enjoy or you feel strong about is a much better choice

I enjoyed every single programming language I encountered and decided, or was compelled, to learn. Starting with BASIC, then Pascal, Assembler, C, VB, C#, F#, Java, Javascript, that followed by the plethora of "script" langs — Coffeescript, Typescript, Livescript, IcedCoffeescript, GorillaScript, etc. After that came Python and Haskell. Almost every book promised unbelievable riches and magic with this new (to me, at the time) language. Sooner or later, though, the long honeymoon would come to an end. At some point, while dealing with yet another clusterfuck of a project, I began to feel that I was simply not a good programmer and that I would never become one. Then I discovered Lisp. Somehow, inexplicably, things started making sense. Shit that confused me about Haskell and Prolog, I for whatever reason have started to grok, or at least I felt like it. For the things I build today, I use Clojure(script), Fennel, Elisp and CL. Even when I'm required to produce code in a different language, I still first prototype it in a Clojure. Not because I'm obsessed or blindly in love with one specific programming language, but because for the applications I'm building today, it makes sense — for me. I wouldn't argue that it would make sense for everyone, no. But for me, it does make sense. Today. Tomorrow that may change. Any given programming language is very unlikely to make you ten times more productive or accurate, yet it may provide you with even greater satisfaction. How? By allowing you to build something you love with it. Build something. Anything. And keep building more. And if you don't love it, rebuild it in a different language until you do.

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