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The CRAPL: An academic-strength open-source license (might.net)
3 points by ashton314 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

"By reading this sentence, You have agreed to the terms and conditions of this License."

Not a lawyer, but I don't think this is legally enforceable. Merely reading something does not mean agreement. If I say "By reading this you agree to give me five dollars," does not mean that you agree to do so.

The rights granted in the "Permissions" section disqualify this license from being an open source license under point 6 of the Open Source Definition:

"The license must not restrict anyone from making use of the program in a specific field of endeavor." Source: https://opensource.org/osd

At the same time, I can see how the need for a source available license like the CRAPL could be necessary and useful for peer review of scientific discoveries. A legally enforceable version of this license should be created to allow for such needs.

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