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What a weird bone to pick. You could say “would support for other platforms be on the horizon?” but instead you take it almost maliciously. This take is very compatible with what I’ve read about why people stop writing Linux commercial software: 95% of the support, 2% of the sales.

If it’s open and you want to create Linux / windows support, just do that versus complain that the creator of a $200 small scale device hasn’t.

There is a pretty big gap between the narrative in the post here: "only supports macOS currently", and what the website says: "Exclusively for Mac" in a Just Girly Things cursive font. The latter makes it sound like they'd reject support if someone handed to them on a silver MR shaped platter.

It just sounds like they’re turning the single plat aspect into the selling point that it was built for the audience’s platform as opposed to some crappy multi-plat app.

I’d say that’s a good call for a $200 app. The HNers showing up here to announce that they closed the browser tab couldn’t run the app anyways lol.

Support is not a one time thing. It's perpetual. Bugs will happen, feature requests will come, especially with Linux, cause there is no such thing as standard Linux. Nobody has to support your things for free. Support it yourself. Wait, that is hard work? Well...

This entittled atittude is how open source maintainers get burned out. If you care about OSS, stop it. Get your hands dirty.

> in a Just Girly Things cursive font.

The font isn’t cursive. It’s exactly the same as every other section.

ctrl+f "Exclusively for Mac". There is one hit (though there is another similar message that is not cursive).

Thank you for the correction, I missed that one. At first I thought maybe the one I saw might’ve changed, but a quick trip to the Internet Archive showed it looked like that in April.

I would guess you saw the other message:

> Photon Transfer is designed with love exclusively for your Mac

Which isn't cursive

When I read the page, it was implied that it's not possible to support other platforms or wouldn't be appreciated by the heavy Mac marketing. Now that I know more of the technical details of the product and seeing that it would definitely be possible to add Windows/Linux support, I am more inclined to buy it and write software for it myself, and I think it would be good to include that on the page more.

Something like "Open hardware/software means that the community could write Linux/Windows support" and a link to the tool that the author said could be used to transfer files on Linux: https://github.com/toasterllc/MDCCode/blob/rev10/Tools/MDCUt... somewhere more prominent on the page would be helpful, as this was not clear to me until I read the comments here.

I did not interpret their post in as rude a manner as you portray it (their feedback is on point, so thanks kaladin-jasnah), but your characterization of their post as "weird" and 'a bone to pick' and 'almost malicious' and 'complaining' is itself multiple-times rude.

Is there a connection between you and the subject matter that might have caused you to interpret the post in a less charitable way than others?

I never said rude, and maybe I was less charitable than I should have been with malicious. But reading that comment and all of the others here that mirror it there is a kind of almost malicious assumption, or at least a very non understanding dismissal of the choice.

This is just a toxic attitude from Linux people you see on everything. They're always finding a way to be slighted by software not being made for their niche platform, as though it's trivial to support multiple platforms properly.

> toxic attitude

If everything you see is toxic maybe the problem is you.

> as though it's trivial to support multiple platforms properly

It is trivial compared to creating something useful in the first place.

If it's so trivial then why hasn't the author done it? Do you really think there is some kind of malicious motivation here?

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