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> In a context world, you would use io.Writer/Reader or net.Conn to write small bits of data and check whether the context is cancelled in between 1KB writes (or whatever size).

So don't use 'io.ReadAll' or 'io.Copy' since they don't take a context thus don't internally do what you're suggesting. I guess the stdlib authors don't know how to use context either.

Anyway, `reader.Read()`, even with just 1KB, can still take arbitrarily long. There's plenty of cases where you wait minutes or hours for data on a socket, and waiting that long to respect a context cancellation is of course unacceptable.

> Postgres .. connection timeout

Killing a process closes all its file descriptors, including sockets, and closing the tcp socket should cause the kernel to send a FIN to the server. Postgres should react to the client end of the socket closing pretty quickly.

This does rely on you using the linux kernel tcp stack, not a userspace tcp stack (in which case all bets are off), but in practice that's pretty much always the case.

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