reminds me how the other day I circumvented disabled SSH port forwarding by using + ncat already on the machine to do something like:
yamux -l lport | ssh server -- <script: ncat --proxy-type=http -klp proxyport & and yamux localhost proxyport>.sh
good thing I needed HTTP access or else i had to find that socks5 server that's actually working again.
I've been trying to read up on TCP/UDP multiplexing and I'm having a hard time understanding what the use cases are, or advantages over just using regular connections, sockets, and application logic.
Do you have a good resource recommendation to learn this more?
Well here I tunneled multiple TCP connections traffic over a single input/output streams (the SSH shell IO stream).
Basically when you got a single communication channel and it's expensive to create more channels to tunnel multiple TCP streams where each connection get's its on channel, this is when you reach for the muxer.
i.e. here I probably could make it without yamux if instead I used SSH control port(socket? master?) and created many shell IO streams. but using yamux makes it cleaner. Also the server I'm working on is very buggy and you really get like 50% success rate logging in.
I suggest you download this `yamux` utility and play around with it really :)
good thing I needed HTTP access or else i had to find that socks5 server that's actually working again.