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Environment Texas Launches Petition to Stop SpaceX Project (environmenttexas.org)
6 points by harold on June 2, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I am a supporter of Environment Texas - however as a Texan I strongly support SpaceX use of this private property whose commercial benefits far outweigh the risk to nearby wildlife.

This southernmost part of Texas is economically depressed and needs the investment. I can easily imagine that 40 more acres can be conserved somewhere else as an offset.

see: http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&cp=12&gs_id=1h&...

I grew up down there. It's very poor and uneducated area (though has one of the very best magnet high schools in the nation, where I was fortunate enough to go).

That area badly needs the economic stimulus, but I'd say it needs some inspiration even more. Launching men to outer space right in the Rio Grande Valley is a great start...

Isn't an environmental study required before building?

Yes, see: http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Texas-reache...

"The company got a look at local enthusiasm for the project last week. During a federal environmental hearing in Brownsville more than 500 area residents attended, with most showing support for the company's plan to build a spaceport just north of the Texas-Mexico border on the coast."

Texas is in competition with Florida and Puerto Rico for the launch site.

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