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> Meh. Well. Good to hear on the cleanup. Didn't know it used to be different :/

If you want to be scared: Until not too long ago postgres' supervisor process would start some types of subprocesses from within a signal handler... Not entirely surprisingly, that found bugs in various debugging tools (IIRC at least valgrind, rr, one of the sanitizer libs).

> Re. SIGFPE, to be fair, it feels a bit like the "asynchronous vs. synchronous abort¹" thing on CPUs; synchronous aborts are reasonably doable while on asynchronous aborts you're pretty much left with torching things down far and wide.

Agreed, I think it's quite reasonable to use signals + longjmp() for the FP error case. In fact, I think we should do so more widely - we loose a fair bit of performance due to all kinds of floating point error checking that we could set up to instead signal.

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