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https://prospective.co/ | Software Engineers | Full time | Remote only, US only | NYC

Hello! We are a small team of sharp and motivated engineers working on advancing the art of data analysis and visualization for everyone from business analysts to data scientists. And we're looking for talented and interested engineers to join us.

Prospective is a professional toolchain for analyzing and visualizing data on your local machine. It's a graphical tool that runs in a web browser and is able to slice and dice gigabytes of static or realtime data. It's built on the popular OSS framework Perspective https://github.com/finos/perspective . Prospective runs as WebAssembly in modern browsers, so it's fast, portable, and memory-efficient. It has its own in-memory data store, but can also plug into any database or streaming platform with a straightforward adapter API. Prospective integrates with existing data tools like Python and Jupyter, and all the dashboards created can be shared to ease collaboration. Our goal is to expand beyond financial services and become the standard toolchain for anyone whose job is to make sense and find patterns in large datasets.

Prospective offers a great opportunity to dig into complex software. On any given day we might be optimizing how the database executes queries in C++, implementing API features in Rust, writing new language bindings for our API, speeding up our Bazel build process, or implementing new charting or query features in our graphical UI. Prospective is engineered to be fast and stable. We write good tests, and once a bug is fixed it stays fixed.

Our team has a culture of mentorship and collaboration, and we work with each other knowing that every team member is always either teaching or learning. We pair-program regularly as a way to share our thinking and get feedback on our solutions. We hold each other to a high quality bar for performance and aesthetics, a constraint that we think creates a healthy environment for creative problem-solving. Every day has a brief "stand up" in the morning and a "stand down" in the afternoon to share what we've learned and what we're stuck on. Every Friday afternoon we demo what we're building for each other, which we call "dogfooding". And we talk regularly to our users, both paid and open-source, to create product feedback loops to understand where the rough edges are and what folks find extremely valuable.

We'd love to chat with you if you have experience in WebAssembly, Python native extensions, C++, Rust or Jupyter. But regardless of your experience, we're very intentionally looking for people who are interested, motivated, and passionate about deeply learning WebAssembly and pushing the boundaries of what a browser can do. We believe smart, passionate people will channel that energy into learning how the tech stack works; and we believe that aligning people's work with their interests correlates with long term business success. We're currently looking for two additional engineers to join our five-person team. We're open to more-junior and more-senior engineers, and are committed to making a competitive offer based on experience and skill level.

Contact andrew@prospective.dev

Dang, your website looks amazing. Wish you had some room for TypeScript developers or people looking to break into Rust.

Best of luck!

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