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And a face scan to evaluate how good-looking you are.

Facebook/Instagram/Tinder already do that.

The platform, or the users?

On Tinder you get invited to pay $500/mo for some "super secret exclusive" version. I got prompted by the app with a free month - it is wall to wall high end escorts.

At some point you gotta accept that this is dystopia.

That’s highway robbery to access high end escorts.

What, really, is the difference between country-specific pricing and ethnicity-specific pricing?

(yeah, this line of thinking isn't going to go anywhere good)

One is legal, the other is not, but they most achieve (mostly) the same outcome.

Country specific is related to a country purchasing power. I wasn’t aware that there are ethnic specific pricing though.

Many chain stores have per-store pricing. The store in the rich white suburb probably has different pricing to the rest...

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