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In case this is your project, there are some issues with the demo dashboard's bar charts (top 20 countries):

* Works well on Firefox mobile / android * On Firefox desktop, only every other country name is displayed, for some reason. The name of other countries can only be seen by hovering on the bars, in a tooltip. This kind of makes the chart not so usable * On Chromium desktop, linux (A somewhat old version, v90), the bar charts don't display at all, the error message below is shown in the console:

    Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: e.at is not a function
        at new bi (VennDiagram.svelte_svelte_type_style_lang.BQFLKn8W.js:1)
        at VennDiagram.svelte_svelte_type_style_lang.BQFLKn8W.js:4
        at /async https:/fc24.fact.ist/_app/immutable/nodes/0.vgSQbLXH.js:1
        at async Promise.all (/index 3)
        at async $p (0.vgSQbLXH.js:1)
        at async Tp (0.vgSQbLXH.js:1)
        at async Pt (entry.CN-1OTG9.js:1)
        at async ut (entry.CN-1OTG9.js:1)
        at async cn (entry.CN-1OTG9.js:1)
        at async Module.hn (entry.CN-1OTG9.js:1)

Thanks! I will look into it.

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