Sorry if this comes across as spam, but I'm psyched that our little website hit one of its major goals.
When we launched Massify two years ago, our goal was to make a movie through the website - from picking the story to casting the film to the film's poster - everything happened and was decided on-line, through the site.
Well, we've done it and the film is finally coming out :) The trailer is here:
Will be in theaters Jan 9th-15th and then straight to DVD after that.
Big shout out to all the peeps in #startups :)
But it has never worked with that. And it will never work, because when too many people collaborate, they tend to stay safe. They don't do new things.
The only way to crowdsource is if you make several people work parallel on independent parts of the project, and then mix them together at the end. For example, you have 15 people who are working independently on the soundtrack for the movie, and then a panel of judges picks the best soundtrack. If you let people vote on the result, they won't choose the best, they will choose the most familiar.
Crowdsourcing can work, but you still need to specialize people within it, and then give them creative freedom free of criticism from others.