>If you define "95% of problems" to be "reading and writing data such that data is read and written"
Pretty much. You have a competing definition? With the added point that "95% of problems" are mostly I/O bound reads of unfragmented write-once files and won't see benefit from extent allocation. And of the remaining 5% most of them are database systems which are doing their own journaling and block allocation.
Does btrfs have nice features (I like snapshots myself)? Sure. Do I use it in preference to ext4? Yes. But be honest with yourself: it's only incrementally better than ext2 for pretty much everything you use a computer for. And yet it sits at the pinnacle of 40 years of concerted effort.
And garbage collection is much the same: a staggeringly huge amount of effort for comparatively little (but not zero, thus "worth it" by some metric) payout.
Edit: just to throw some gas on the^H^H^H^H point out the narrowness of vision that I think is endemic in this kind of thought:
> If you look at most drives on the market, you will see devices capable of corrupting data for certain after three years.
If you look at most actual filesystems on the market, you'll find they're embedded in devices which will be thrown out in two years when their contract expires. They'll also be lost or stolen with vastly higher frequency than that at which they will experience NAND failure. If you look at most high-value storage deployments in the real world, they have redundancy and backup regimes in place which make that filesystem feature merely a downtime/latency improvement.
Basically, if someone waved a magic wand and erased all fancy filesystems and GC implementations from the world... how much would really change? Apple has deployed a pretty good mobile OS without GC, after all. Oracle made a business out of shipping reliable databases over raw block devices 20 years ago. Try that same trick with other "difficult" software technologies (video compression, say) and things look much more grim.
My competing definition includes safety and performance. Not about how the system works a single epsilon after an operation but perhaps reading data that we wrote last month, or last year and doing it using the hardware's resources efficiently.
Clearly either your or the ext[234] developers are mistaken as they have gone ahead and implemented extent based allocation and file management.
btrfs's design is inherently safe while ext2's design is inherently unsafe. To make the analogy work, I would say that ext2 does not fit the design spec for a file system; it would be like a garbage collector that does not actually collect garbage.
The payout for data integrity, which no filesystems really handled until the WAFL era, is huge. If you cannot see, this discussion has no point.
The only thing that I must be honest about is that I would not trust ext2 to store my data any more than I would trust you to implement a scheme to store my data.
It's really not worth continuing the argument. But I'll just point out that again you're arguing about features in isolation (e.g. "safety" instead of the value of what you want to keep safe or dangers from things other than filesystem failure). It's easy to justify one filesytem as better than another. Our disconnect is that I'm talking about whether or not that filesystem is so much better as to justify the effort spent to develop it.
To make the point again: without btrfs (or really "the last 30 years of filesystem research") we'd all be OK. Likewise if V8 or LuaJIT had to do mark & sweep, or if everyone had to write in a language with manual storage allocation, things would look mostly the same.
Without video compression probably two thirds of the market for semiconductor devices and half the internet would simply evaporate (I pulled those numbers out of you-know-where, but I frankly doubt they're all that wrong). That tells me something about the relative value of these three applications of software engineering talent.
The question is, would we have known any of this if that research had not taken place? It is easy to have 20/20 hindsight. Even with it though I am pretty sure we still would of expended the effort to get where we are today.
You can't solve all (FS) problems for all people simultaneously. Custom FS solutions by Apple (recently), Oracle (20 years ago), and countless other vendors in the last 3 decades are about choosing different trade-offs, learning from mistakes, and growing the technology with the hardware (fat-12 -> fat-16 -> fat-32 was all about growing with increasing drive size). But if you truly believe that nothing substantial has been gained, why did you bother upgrading to btrfs?
Older filesystems suffered from a variety of problems that could and did ruin data for a lot of people. Modern filesystems like NTFS5, ZFS, btrfs, etc., make their best effort to ensure data can actually be consistently read and written, which while being outside of the most common path of reading non-fragmented files sequentially (I'd even say 99.99% of actual IO in non-server configurations), it is still a use-case that is important for the vast majority of computer users. You know, people who do business, homework, take pictures, ...
On the GC side of things, the Azul VM has shown to be quite effective at addressing many of the performance issues with garbage collection in Java (which gets even better when you stop doing stupid crap in Java). And there are garbage collected languages that are not Java that don't suffer the same stuttering problem of the Java GC (that have also been around for 20+ years, and have steadily gotten better over time).
>If you define "95% of problems" to be "reading and writing data such that data is read and written"
Pretty much. You have a competing definition? With the added point that "95% of problems" are mostly I/O bound reads of unfragmented write-once files and won't see benefit from extent allocation. And of the remaining 5% most of them are database systems which are doing their own journaling and block allocation.
Does btrfs have nice features (I like snapshots myself)? Sure. Do I use it in preference to ext4? Yes. But be honest with yourself: it's only incrementally better than ext2 for pretty much everything you use a computer for. And yet it sits at the pinnacle of 40 years of concerted effort.
And garbage collection is much the same: a staggeringly huge amount of effort for comparatively little (but not zero, thus "worth it" by some metric) payout.
Edit: just to throw some gas on the^H^H^H^H point out the narrowness of vision that I think is endemic in this kind of thought:
> If you look at most drives on the market, you will see devices capable of corrupting data for certain after three years.
If you look at most actual filesystems on the market, you'll find they're embedded in devices which will be thrown out in two years when their contract expires. They'll also be lost or stolen with vastly higher frequency than that at which they will experience NAND failure. If you look at most high-value storage deployments in the real world, they have redundancy and backup regimes in place which make that filesystem feature merely a downtime/latency improvement.
Basically, if someone waved a magic wand and erased all fancy filesystems and GC implementations from the world... how much would really change? Apple has deployed a pretty good mobile OS without GC, after all. Oracle made a business out of shipping reliable databases over raw block devices 20 years ago. Try that same trick with other "difficult" software technologies (video compression, say) and things look much more grim.