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A great alternative to numba for accelerated Python is Taichi. Trivial to convert a regular python program into a taichi kernel, and then it can target CUDA (and a variety of other options) as the backend. No need to worry about block/grid/thread allocation etc. at the same time, it’s super deep with great support for data classes, custom memory layouts for complexly nested classes, etc etc, comes with autograd, etc. I’m a huge fan - makes writing code that runs on the GPU and integrates with your python libraries an absolute breeze. Super powerful. By far the best tool in the accelerated python toolbox IMO.

Negative, as Taichi doesn't even support Python 3.12, and it's unclear if it ever will. Why would I limit myself to an old version of Python?

The haughtiness is not for nothing. Since Dec 2023, they made a lame excuse that Pytorch didn't support 3.12: https://github.com/taichi-dev/taichi/issues/8365#issuecommen...

Later, even when Pytorch added support for 3.12, nothing changed (so far) in Taichi.

>they made a lame excuse that Pytorch didn't support 3.12

how is this a lame excuse

>but it fails on a bunch of PyTorch-related tests. We then figured out that PyTorch does not have Python 3.12 support

they have a dep that was blocking them from upgrading. you would have them do what? push pytorch to upgrade?

>Later, even when Pytorch added support for 3.12, nothing changed (so far) in Taichi.

my friend that "Later" is feb/march of this year ie 2-3 months ago. exactly how fast would you like for this open source project to service your needs? not to mention there is a PR up for the bump.

I stand by my original comment.

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