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Have you looked at an x-ray or disassembly video of an iPhone? There isn't a lot of empty space in there.

And what have Google and Samsung won by people having to buy a USB-C adapter, most likely for them? They also removed the headphone jack, and have never had a proprietary adapter standard to replace them.

Google, Samsung, and Apple all have lucrative wireless earphone businesses, or would like to. Simpler design with less components is also a win for them.

Didn’t someone add a jack to an iPhone 7? Difficult for DIY, but not impossible. I saw a similar mod for an iPhone 13 as well. https://www.strangeparts.com/bringing-back-the-iphone-headph...

I’d pay quite a sum for such a service. The value of a lossless, universally compatible port is hard to overstate. At the very least they could give us a second USB-C port on top-end phones.


Seems like there was even room for some ad hominem attacks!

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