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And yet here he is talking about how he was making the decisions.

He was still one of the two main founders and married to the other main founder. He wasn't totally uninvolved with the company.

He still did Office Hours, at least for a time. He described that as "ten percent of what he did" and hired at least two people to divide up the other 90 percent.

I imagine he and Livingston discussed the company over breakfast/dinner and a lot of decisions were likely joint decisions privately hashed out. It's a company founded by a dating couple who later married. There is probably no clear, bright dividing line between "her" decisions and "his."

No, we're talking about Jessica Livingston making a decision. It's right there in the statement.

Lol no in the statement he says "we" in the wsj its just his wife. The buck stops...somewhere?

Well, if you want to read it tendentiously, I guess your choices are the buck stopping with Jessica, with Paul, or with Jessica and Paul. Seems straightforward to reason about.

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