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I Am So Depressed
9 points by sophoskiaskile 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments
I am just so depressed, and I don't have anyone or anything to express it to. Since I am a programmer I chose to post it here. nothing fancy.

This may provide some ideas to help you beat it... "6 Strategies That Science Actually Shows Are Effective For Depression" https://www.forbes.com/sites/alicegwalton/2017/06/15/the-str... that-science-actually-shows-are-effective-for-depression/#3c31e17e5117

If not consider getting a dog (or other pet) and regularly going into parks with it.

unfortunately the page was not found. I have pets, but they are way more depressed than me. lol :)))

I’d echo this - you’re not alone. Talk to someone who you can lean on. If not, may I suggest online therapy like betterhelp.com.

I have had a positive experience with a no judgement conversation with a wonderful listener who I can (and continue to) lean on when things are falling apart.

Hang in there. It will all work out.

unfortunately it's not available in my region. nor I have the time. I am doing university and a full time job at the same time while managing not to fall apart

It’s hard not to be these days my friend. Hang in there and know that it won’t last forever :)

you know it's like a trig function except that the valley of the function in a period is taking too long.

You're not alone. Hang in there.

that's the important part, knowing that I feel alone although I am not alone.

Welcome to the club. It sucks here. The only thing that works, for me anyway, is spending time in the woods hiking.

good for you :)) I've always wanted to have a hut like heidegger's hut

cool mate!

yeah, it's cool! (it's actually not)

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