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We use Odoo and love it. It would take moving mountains to get us off of it (short of predatory sales/pricing/licensing shenanigans anyway). It is fantastic and truly one of my favorite pieces of software. But man, does Odoo have a convoluted ecosystem. There’s no one place to learn about the product and if you self-host then the documentation might as well not exist for the small number of aggravatingly undocumented adjustments you might need to implement to get it working. They have weird and officially undocumented design decisions that can end up wasting a lot of your time if you don’t have the benefit of having read sometimes years-old public Github issues.

It’s not just self-hosting either. Their documentation covers the basics of key modules, and their video training material is great for functional insight. But it’s clear they don’t have anyone who is able or willing to effectively foster a coherent product-wide strategy around documentation, training, and similar enablement must-haves. Ironically, I think the fact that they run so much of their infrastructure on Odoo itself is part of the problem in terms of implementing a better strategy. If you buy an EMR, you won’t use it for HR just because it’s geared toward managing data relating to humans.

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