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This is obviously different for everyone (and the general problem is fundamental to finite human lifetime and other resources).

For me, I'm definitely putting more effort into things I'm relatively skilled in (both inherent, and due to prior work/historical advantage/access/etc.). Also stuff with the highest return on effort for the amount of effort I'm reasonably likely to put into it (so, something which requires 100 hours to get any result is still possibly ok, but something which requires 4000 hours/yr for 10 years to get any result is much less interesting; something which requires 4000h/yr for 10 years but with incremental rewards, maybe.

Also helps when interests are clustered -- I like hardware, and security, and infrastructure, and crypto, and finance, and satellites, and communications, and military/next gen drone stuff, and interesting legal and jurisdictional arbitrage, and there's a lot of crossover among those, more so than adding other interests outside of that galaxy like art.

Keeping enough spare time/other capacity to take advantage of opportunities as they come up is good, too. e.g. I'm interested in semiconductor fab stuff, but not at a deep professional level doing anything in it, but when I get a chance to work on (security, infra) in that context, I jump on it.

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