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I feel like this is the beginning of the end for all captchas

Twitter / X has a very interesting captcha: you get to see 10 objects that have weird colors and are slightly deformed, and then you have to match them (1 at a time) with another row that has the same objects but seen from a different angle.

Of course eventually this will be defeated too, but for now it seems to work pretty well.

Image based or any kind of visual captchas will never be extremely effective. I think we will see more of PoW captchas in the upcoming years (just like cloudflare's turnstile captcha)

I'm not suer about that, can't you give GPT4 a math problem in an image already and have it solve it correctly most of the time?

And these haven't even been trained to defeat captchas/logic problem captchas yet, if it was fine tuned on the general pattern of them I imagine any form of captcha is bust.

Not sure about PoW. What about people with slower phones etc?

I don't see how an older smartphone could meaningfully outcompute a spamming infra.

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