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You ask one thing in the title and something else in your text. I'm answering only the question in the title.

As of now, I'd split my time between a couple of things:

(1) In winter and autumn, become a part-time psychologist to help reduce some of the mental pain that people go through.

(2) In spring and summers, go for weeks-long hikes in nature, become a part-time hiking guide in the mountains. Help maintain the trails, mountain-hut infrastructure, and take people on hikes. Simply, be more in nature.

Luckily, today I can still enjoy some of these: study cognitive science as a hobby, and hike in nature in my free time.

Is a seasonal psychiatrist a thing? Don't patients need support in spring?

Good question. To be frank, I haven't given a thought about all these details. Just to riff on this hypothetical scenario, it's not a clinical setting. Ideally, I'd working with a small group, where we can work together with the client. Maybe take turns. Or maybe in a supporting role to another senior expert. Again, this is all fantasy at the moment. :-)

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