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1. Science 2. Philosophy 3. Art

I am currently factually volunteering to a project in CERN that needs full-time attention, but unfortunately I need to feed myself and my family so I work at daytime as a full-time Software(Data) Engineer. I spent whatever time I find (mostly nights) doing science. I do hope I will manage to deliver new NN method I experiment now. This has a lifelong meaning for me.

How do you "work on" philosophy?

Asking because my web developer wife, who happened to have majored in art and philosophy, is currently unemployed and kinda bummed about it.

YouTube video essays?

Only sort of joking; I have no idea what the economics of a small YouTube/Nebula channel look like and I suspect it's one of those things with a tiny minority of people whose work ends up being net positive and a long tail of others who break even or lose money.

It seems like there isn't any hobbyist philosophy right? Either your in academia or reposting stoic quotes on Instagram it feels like lol

Check out the local dive bar. They are the modern version of 19th century coffee houses.

Reading a lot and from certain point on writing if I get something new to say.

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